IUZZA tells the story of an encounter, a night sea crossing in search of Goliarda Sapienza. “Iuzza” is the loving childhood nickname given to the writer back in Sicily, where she comes to world in 1924. The crooked symmetry betwee her biography and work is filled with invisible presences: the vigor of her literary adventure resembles a treasure salvaged from a wreckage.
Starting from Sapienza’s novels, poems, short stories, letters, and personal records, IUZZA unravels as an intimate journey triggered by antagonistic forces, subverting the nature of forms and turning words into images.

The sequence of images consists of seven sections that operate through temporal displacement, textual references, and concatenated events. Each part originates from an indirect dialogue with its own absence, as a sort of telepathic exchange through empty space aimed a magnifying the perception of emotional connections. Francesca Todde’s photographs are like inner landscapes, or animated spaces leaping across the blurred lines of memory. Her gaze through the lens seems to open on a deserted bustle, following faded footprints up to their origin, which is childish and ancestral, animal and mineral: these images are traces haunted by the feeling that body is everywhere.

(Extract from the afterword of the book IUZZA. Goliarda Sapienza, written by Luca Reffo)

Italy, 2017 / 2024


The book

IUZZA. Goliarda Sapienza

published by Départ Pour l’Image


Publication on M le Magazine, Le Monde, 2018

Exhibition Looking On - Sguardi e prospettive sulla nuova fotografia italiana A project by Osservatorio Fotografico, curated by Chiara Bardelli Nonino, Federica Chiocchetti, Silvia Loddo, Elisa Medde, Giulia Ticozzi, Giulia Zorzi - MAR Ravenna, 2019